Debut Novel Coming Soon

Category: Writing

  • I do not look like Halle Berry, and it shows. Part 1

    I do not look like Halle Berry, and it shows. Part 1

    When two friends plan for some place exotic, but life happens and we settle for the 17 mile tour.

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  • My new signature cocktail: Shame & Sammy Kershaw

    My new signature cocktail: Shame & Sammy Kershaw

    Is it better to lie awake and worry about your dog shitting in the middle of the night? or to just carry on and clean it up when it lands at your feet? Trust me, this is a story about shame and self-esteem.

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  • That is exactly what a kidnapper would say. Part 4

    That is exactly what a kidnapper would say. Part 4

    I accomplish a goal, deflect compliments, survive a festival, and convince everyone I am not a kidnapper.

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  • Wait, where is my lifeboat? Part 3

    Wait, where is my lifeboat? Part 3

    I’m home from Florida. I’ve survived a deserted island and the ferry ride from hell. Surely, it can’t get more exciting than that. Right? Right?!

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  • Guns at Walmart, Guns at Yoga.

    I was thinking about guns recently. Who isn’t, amirite? In my town, a man was arrested after wandering through the aisles of Walmart, on his phone, talking about “popping people”. When police apprehended him in the lawn and garden area, they found he had guns in his backpack. Okay, so he was armed, but it…

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  • I could Lie, say I like it.

    No big revelations this week. In fact, I’m a little swamped with catching up after taking some impromptu chill out days. So just some banter and musings to share with you, my dear readers. In true me-fashion, I’ll sneak in some self-deprecating criticism in hopes that tomorrow I wake up a slightly different person. Let’s…

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  • Hare Brain & Social Anxiety

    [Insert generic gig at a small dive bar] It’s around Midnight, I have a beer in my hand and I’m standing outside smoking a cigarette. Maybe I know the person I’m talking to, maybe not. Maybe there are a half dozen humans in a circle. We might all be talking about music, or work, or…

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  • My Multitudes.

    If you read my last blog, then you know that I had a spurt of confidence and rebellion. I was all like, “I don’t need them, I’m going to do this all on my own!” There were practically little army soldiers charging out my fingertips, trampling over the keys, hungry for victory. I appreciate their…

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  • Writing a book.

    The first draft is the messy haired, skewed pajama pants and oversized tee shirt version, trying to get the coffee maker going but the dogs are staring at her waiting to be let outside or fed, she can’t remember which one she has already done. And she has to pee. The second draft is the…

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  • Sprinting

    I’ve been trying to incorporate writing sprints into my day. If you haven’t heard of them, (and you want to write more with your limited time) I encourage you to google them. If you’re a social person (my introverted-ness is side-eyeing you) then there are websites that offer writing sprint competitions, via minimalist text boxes,…

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